Accommodation rules

Dear Guests! For your comfort and safety please adhere to touristic resort regulations. Full text of the regulations is available at Reception.

General statements
Accommodation Regulations

  1. At “Berezinskaya Dubrava” touristic resort we do everything possible to preserve the nature. As such, we ask our Guests to care for the environment, to protect flora and fauna. Please avoid littering. River banks are not accessible by car. Car wash is not permitted by the river or inside the resort.

  2. Please consider peace of other Guests.

  3. Smoking is permitted in designated areas only. Please do not smoke in your rooms. Pets are not allowed in the rooms.

  4. Please leave your car on the parking lot. Use golf cars to move within the resort. In a golf car always fasten your seatbelts, fasten your children’s belts as well. Please do not operate golf cars when not sober. Driving golf cars outside the resort is not permitted.

  5. To prevent fire and preserve the environment please make campfires in designated spots only. Please do not light up fireplaces in the houses, sauna or restaurant by yourself – ask resort personnel for help

  6. Fireworks are not permitted. Please avoid using your own electric heaters. Do not store flammable objects in your rooms. Special storages are available for hunting firearms.

  7. Sports equipment and bicycles that are not in use – please return them to Reception by yourself.

  8. On check-out please present your room to a housemaid and receive the final calculation of basic and additional services at Reception.

At the Aqua Zone

Adhering to these suggestions will make your Aqua Zone experience the most comfortable and pleasant

In the sauna:

  1. Before entering the sauna please remove your makeup and contact lenses, take off your jewelry and watches. Before entering a steam room, please take a shower and dry yourself completely.

  2. To avoid overheating it is better to keep your hair dry on entering a steam room.

  3. Lay a dry towel or a disposable mat over your seat.

  4. Please limit your total stay: at thermal zone to 2-3 hours, in steam rooms to 35-40 minutes

  5. First entry to a steam room should not exceed 10 minutes. It is better not to stand up or to make sharp moves. Please consider your health while in the sauna. For best results ask an attendant for help.

  6. After first visit to a steam room it is better to deep into a cool pool or to take cool shower. Please enter the pool gradually, do not jump from the pool rim.

  7. Please limit you visits to steam rooms to 3 per session. Minimum 30 minutes of relaxation are necessary to normalize your body temperature after steam procedures.

  8. Massage after sauna is strongly recommended, it has a great health value and brings maximum relaxation.

  9. Not allowed in the sauna: Body creams, scrubs, lotions and oils.

  10. Use your own aromatic additives.

  11. Pour water with aromatic additives onto hot stones.

In the Pool and Thermal Zone

  1. Swimsuit and shower shoes are required to use the pool and thermal zone. For your comfort gowns, towels and shower shoes are placed in your lockers. Resort Guests can use pool and thermal zone in the gowns and shower shoes from their rooms.

  2. Children under 12 may use the pool and thermal zone only under the supervision of parents or other designated individuals over 18.

  3. An attendant can provide you with head covers, swimming goggles, children’s inflatable vests, arm floats or lifelines, shower shoes and swimsuits.

  4. Please be advised that swimsuits and toiletries cannot be exchanged or returned.

  5. Please take a thorough shower (soap, washcloth, no swimsuit) before and after pool.

  6. Do not dive from the pool rims – it is dangerous. Use ladders to enter the water.

  7. Children under 3 should use special diaper swimsuits, available from an attendant.

  8. Pool area has to be vacated at least 15 minutes before close. We well appreciate you not visiting resort’s public areas wearing a gown

To avoid misunderstandings and prevent injuries it is not permitted in the aqua zone:

  1. To enter locker and shower rooms in street clothes and shoes.

  2. To bring objects made of glass, sharp or soiled objects.

  3. To use body creams, scrubs, lotions and oils.

  4. To jump from the pool rims, to run the walkways, corridors, shower rooms and stairs.

  5. To smoke.

  6. When in the water: catch/grab or sink each other, swim across the pool, sit or stand on lane dividers.

  7. To use glass underwater masks.

  8. To leave children under 12 unattended.

  9. To enter the area intoxicated in any way.

Water procedures are surely beneficial for your health – yet use of pools and saunas has some medical counter indications, for example: skin diseases, open wounds, breathing difficulties, vestibular malfunctions.

В случае нарушения Правил поведения гость может быть удален с территории аквазоны сотрудниками безопасности или администрацией без компенсации, оплаченной им стоимости услуг.

When in the aqua zone, visitors are encouraged to monitor their health status themselves. If for any reason you are starting not feeling well – please contact the attendant immediately.

We are sure you will treat these Regulations reasonably. Please be advised that, in case of rules violation, you will be removed from the facilities with no compensation/refund.

Payment Regulations

  1. Resort’s unified check-out time is 12:00 (12 p.m., noon) local time.

  2. If your accommodation duration is less than 24 hours, payment still will be calculated as for the full 1 day..

  3. Payment should be in Belarusian Roubles (BYN), cash or cash-less. Visa, MasterCard, BelKard and others are accepted.

  4. Pre-payment for the entire accommodation duration is due at check-in. In case of cash-less (wire transfer) payment methods: - Management has to forward an invoice to a customer within 24 hours after initial booking; - Customer’s pre-payment usually has to be placed at least 24 hours prior to checking-in

  5. On check-out the final calculation of costs, including basic and additional services, is presented to a Guest. All services performed and payments made are stored under one account.

  6. Children under 5 are staying at the resort free of charge, with no personal spot (bed) provided.

Rights and Responsibilities

  1. Regulations of “Berezinskaya Dubrava” touristic resort are based on Standards of Hotel Services that are currently in use in the Republic of Belarus.

  2. You can ask for a full text of Regulations at the Reception.

  3. With check-in a Guest acknowledges his/her responsibilities: - of payment for services performed; - of observing and adhering to presented Regulations.

  4. In case of repetitive or single severe violation(s) of the Regulations the resort reserves the right to cancel stay of a particular Guest, with no compensation/refund.

  5. In case of resort’s property damage or loss a Damage/Loss Act has to be written. According to Act a Guest has to refund the cost of property to the resort.

  6. In case of breaching fire protection or sanitary regulations or public order a Guest takes responsibility in accordance with the existing legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

  7. In case of experiencing insufficient/inadequate service a Guest has right to demand, according to his/her choice: - fixing the insufficiency free of charge OR; - providing service of equal cost

  8. In case of resort violating terms of booking or check-in procedures a Guest has a right to cancel or re-schedule booking. New invoice has to be produced.

  9. In case of force majeure or other emergency situations the resort has the unilateral right to cancel stay of a Guest prematurely, with the refund for unused services.

  10. Management takes no responsibility for any possible harm to health or property of a Guest and people in his/her custody – if that harm was caused by breaching the aforementioned Regulations.

The administration of the tourist complex will be grateful for any information that will help improve the service and quality of our services.

Administration Phone: 2270, +375 (29) 640 16 52

Enjoy your holiday!

Republic of Belarus, postal code 213765, Mogilev region, Osipovichi district, Svisloch rural council, 2 kms, Palitskoe village vicinity.
N:53°29'51.2 E:28°56'32.5
+375 22 356 12 32
+375 29 640-16-52
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