Berezinskaya Dubrava

Touristic resort that gives a new meaning to quality recreation in- and outdoors.
“Berezinskaya Dubrava” touristic resort presents a new approach to quality recreation in- and outdoors. 5-stars service amidst pristine wood- and water-land, right in the heart of a well-known national natural reserve. Discover premium recreation just in a short drive from the capital of Belarus.
Touristic resort

Berezinskaya Dubrava

Republic of Belarus, postal code 213765, Mogilev region, Osipovichi district, Svisloch rural council, 2 kms, Palitskoe village vicinity.
N:53°29'51.2 E:28°56'32.5
+375 22 356 12 32
+375 29 640-16-52
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